Sunday, February 3, 2008

Most Don't Get It

Yesterday I read a feed from ABC news that talked about some physicians now saying that it is ok for women to drink "a little" during pregnancy. One individual thought that one drink a day was moderate. It is questionable whether this can be considered moderate during pregnancy but, then, I am not a doctor. I am person who is passionate about treatment and recovery and I am baffled by the fact that some women and their doctors endorse drinking during pregnancy.

Why wouldanybody want to take the risk of harming their unborn child in a manner that is totally preventable??? The doctors were quoted as saying that 13 - 14% of the pregnant women they see choose to drink during pregnancy. I guess they don't know that this is approximately the prevalence of alcoholism in the general population. Could these women be unable to stop drinking??? Did the doctors address that question???? Did these physicians give their patients information on FAS and FAE to help these women make a more informed decision? I'll bet not.

I could go on about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy and the consequences to the baby. I am sure none of these women would put alcohol in their babies bottle at the age of 1 week but yet they don'ty mind feeding them alcohol in utero. So choosing to drink strikes me as extremely selfish and self centered. Those of you who know about addiction, does that srike a chord?

My hope is that women who choose to drink have the information they need to make that decision and the resources they need if they CAN'T make a choice.

Go Giants

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