Monday, February 18, 2008

Rehab Now a Political Strategy?

Hi all, been gone for awhile but now am back. While watching the sunday talk shows I heard one pundit say "Hillary should check into rehab that would insure more attention". Is this what we have come to? A lifesaving medical intervention is now seen as a strategy to win an election? Thank you Celebrity Rehab and all those rags at the super market checkout. Rehab is a service that isn't available to most who need it and certainly would not work if a person WERE using it as a part of a strategy to benefit themselves. It makes me sad to realize that addictive disease is still stigmatized; and is seen as something to joke about on TV. Imagine the person who might want to stand up and advocate for treatment?? I have been in recovery long enough not to be concerned about stigma for myself but I certainly understand the concerns of those who don't have the same longevity in recovery.

Recovery takes hard work and committment and shouldn't be joked about!!!!!!!

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